Sunday, January 19, 2025

Dissemination at the FKPV alumni club meeting at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota

Dissemination at the FKPV alumni club meeting at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota

On the 13 March 2015 the alumni club of FKPV had a meeting at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota. FKPV is the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences in Celje. They offer students who finish a short-cycle program and graduate at the higher vocational school Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota the opportunity to continue their study, either undergraduate or postgraduate, in the fields of commerce, business science, business IT and tourism. This means that lecturers from Celje come to our school to give lectures for students who graduated from EŠ Murska Sobta.

At the meeting the president of the alumni club, who is also the manager of the biggest spa resort in the region, had an interesting lecture about the Slovenian strategy regarding tourism in the coming years. When he finished I had the opportunity to present our project which was an interesting follow-up of the topic. Among the members of the alumni club was, as I mentioned before, the manager of the biggest spa resort, Moravske toplice, in our region, an employee of another spa resort in the region, Lendava, and two representatives of the faculty from Celje. As they either work in tourism or educate about it, the presentation of the project was especially interesting for them.

The participants at the meeting were informed about the project partners, the goals of the project and the results of the project so far. I mentioned the needs analysis report, the translations we already did, the course syllabus we prepared and the national dishes which are being translated at the moment. I also presented them the project website and the e-learning platform, which will be available to anyone. But the most interesting information was the smartphone app which will be available to anybody who would like to use it. I also handed them out the project flyers so that they can contact us if they are interested in more details and to provide other people with some information about the project. All of them were thrilled because the project results and products will be useful not only for a small target group but for a broader public in at least 12 European countries or even more.

The manager of the spa resort Moravske toplice and the employee of the spa resort Lendava also showed interest and confirmed further cooperation regarding the project as they both reckoned that the material and the learning platform being created would be quite useful for their employees.  

Erna Vöröš

Project manager of Ekonomska šola,

Murska Sobota, Slovenia



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.