Dissemination: 7 separate presentations 8-13 March 2015
Piccolo Hotel Gurschler in Maso Corto, Val Senales, Alto Adige, Italy
Hotel Goldenes Kreuz in Madonna di Senales, Alto Adige. Italy
Maso Corto is at the head of the Senales Valley. Madonna di Senales is 8 km further down the valley. The several trips between them were free of charge by ski-bus.Because this was one of the busiest weeks of the year for both hotels, it was not possible to get all members of the hotel staff to take time off for a single presentation at each hotel. So I gave 7 separate presentations to small groups that could be spared for an hour.I gave four of the presentations in German, and three in Italian. Both languages are spoken in South Tirol.I have known the senior staff in both hotels for fifteen years. They are very enthusiastic. They already use my Tick-Tack language software and have the CD and smartphone app for Travellers’ Questions.Each presentation included a detailed explanation of the project KeySkills4EU Hotel Staff, a demonstration of the 4 digital maps, a demonstration of the four FrontDesk software programs in six languages (with answers), featuring the new FrontDesk banner screen and the latest version of the screen layout.Several files were shown and studied describing 50 dishes in national cuisines. They realized that they would be much more helpful to guests than what they put on their own menus.The participants were extremely interested to see how the project is developing since I gave a preview of the project’s plans last November. They are very keen to have access to the eLearning platform even before it is operational – if that is possible - just to see how it is structured.Several of the participants expressed a keen interest in taking part in one of the EU-Skills courses that I run at Cambridge University since all future courses will feature the materials created in our present project.The owners of both hotels want me to come back in November and give their staff a detailed update on all the new material that we will be developing in the project during the coming months.The accompanying photos show many of the participants in the two hotels, the materials that were demonstrated and the location of the hotels in the mountains.HG in the file-names of the photos indicates Hotel Gurschler (Maso Corto). zGK indicates Goldenes Kreuz (Madonna di Senales).
David Sephton
Project Manager of Primrose Publishing Limited, UK
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.