Monday, September 09, 2024

Results of Course Piloting Published in a Collection of Scientific Papers

An essential part of the course creation is its piloting to see how the course is perceived by the learners and make any improvements and changes if required. The course piloting – the FrontDesk program, the mobile application and a part of A2/B1 language course – were piloted in the summer-autumn of 2015.

Following the course piloting, the report was written on it. The report comprised learners’ feedback and evaluation done by language teachers. Prof. Ineta Luka conducted research on the specifics for applying blended learning in language teaching/learning for professional purposes and additionally experts’ evaluation was organised. As a result a scientific paper „DEVELOPING LANGUAGE COMPETENCE FOR TOURISM STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES IN A BLENDED LEARNING LANGUAGE COURSE” was written and published in a scholarly journal issued by Rezekne Higher Education Institution of Latvia „Society. Education. Integration” in Volume I of 2016. The Volume is available online on:

The paper presents the main findings of the second stage of the project  – the online course designed for A2/B1 level of language competence in 12 European languages and B2/C1 English language course to promote tourism students’ and employees’ language competence and raise their intercultural awareness. It analyses pedagogical, linguistic and field professional literature on course creation and presents the conducted evaluation research containing formative evaluation from three perspectives – provider (document review), recipient (a focus group interview with 14 learners) and wider community (a focus group interview with 7 hospitality industry managers and a survey of 21 language teachers from six countries) to identify the initiative’s consequences and opportunities for modification and improvement. The strengths and weaknesses of the course have been identified and suggestions on how the process could be made more efficient/effective for the organisation, the end users and the community have been provided. The paper published is available on: and on the public part of the project webpage.

Dr.paed. Ineta Luka


Turiba University project manager

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.