Sunday, January 19, 2025

Piloting of the Learning Program has started (Piloting of the RO material)

On March 3, 2016, Sapientia University team has started course piloting of the Romanian study material with their students.   

The first students who piloted the course were the first year tourism management students studying Romanian language – Communication skills in Romanian. The work was done with a small group of four students. First students were introduced with the developed Romanian study materials within the project „Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff”, so that they could try out solving one set of exercises.

In order to learn how the platform functions, students did A2/B1 module “Hotel Reception/Ski and Village” which was a good practice for them and enabled the students to revise the vocabulary acquired during their regular studies.   

The first impressions were positive. Students found the platform useful and interesting and they admitted that they had learnt many new things and enjoyed doing so. The students pointed out that the module developed for A2/B1 level – Hotel Reception - will help them to independently develop their reading and listening skills in Romanian language.

The course piloting will continue till the end of semester. Thus, these first year students will have the opportunity to try out all the modules in Romanian language. As a teacher, I will use the modules as a supplementary material for my Romanian language course to enhance students’ reading, listening and speaking skills.   

After piloting there will be a survey for students in order to receive a feedback on the Learning platform and study materials, discover mistakes and get recommendations for improvement.

Sapientia University does piloting for other languages as well, among which for English and Hungarian.

Dr.philol. Enikő Pál


Teacher / researcher of Sapientia University

Project team member of Sapientia University


Piloting at TUSDU has started

On 2 March 2016, there was the first piloting the project-learning platform at TUSDU. It was done with students of final year. On that day, there were two groups of students-24  divided in two IT labs.  There was the second piloting-learning platform at TUSDU on 14 March 2016 also with another group of students 24  who attend the final year of their education at our school.

In total, there were 48 students and many of them were very excited to be among the first students to learn  language for the first time using this very interactive learning tool.

The first impressions are very positive and they were very interested in many languages. Students enjoyed the platform and evaluated the learning process as interesting, useful and they admitted that they had learnt many new things since Italian, French, German and Spanish they have been learning for several years.

Hilarija Lozančiić Benić

Project team member of TUSDU, Croatia

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Project Dissemination at Education Fair “School 2016”, Latvia

From 26 February till 28 February, 2016 Turiba University presented the study opportunities in the annual exhibition “School 2016”, held in Kipsala International Exhibition Centre in Riga, Latvia.

This year “School 2016” gathered more than 18 thousand visitors. This exhibition is the most important event of the year in the field of education welcoming 140 participant education institutions from Latvia, the USA, France, Estonia, Canada, Russia, Great Britain, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Germany.

In Turiba University booth everyone interested could find information about the study possibilities in Turiba University, as well as information about the project “Skills4Hotels”. Two Turiba University team members worked at the booth and disseminated “Skills4Hotels” project. Attendants, mainly young students, their parents and teachers, were distributed project leaflets and brochures as well as they could get first-hand information from the project staff.

Anete Veipane and Evita Vecvagare

Project team members of Turiba University Latvia


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.