On 5 February 2016, two project team members from Turiba University visited the international tourism fair “Balttour 2016” in Kipsala International Exhibition Centre, in Riga, Latvia.
„Balttour” is the biggest and most important travel tradeshow in the Baltic countries, which opens the new tourist season in the region and creates a festive feeling for industry professionals and travelers. More than 470 exhibitors and 850 participating organizations from 41 countries participated in this year’s “Balttour”.
“Skills4Hotels” project leaflets were disseminated at the fair and the project members informed representatives of the hotel sector – Avalon hotel, Islande hotel, Baltic Beach Hotel, Hotel Jūrmala SPA and others- about the project and the possibility for hotel employees to improve their language skills by using the created materials.
Anete Veipane and Evita Vecvagare
project team members of Turiba University
I have been staying at this hotel for many years and know the family and the staff very well. They have been using my Tick-Tack language software for a number of years and have helped me greatly in developing the programs and helping me with Russian translations.
I did not visit them in 2015 so this was the first time that they had seen Front Desk, the apps and digital maps. They offered a number of useful comments and suggestions that we will consider.
Being high season it was not possible to get all the staff together for formal presentations so I gave individual demonstrations to each member of staff in turn, as they could be spared.
They were disappointed not to be able to have the Learning Platform to play with as they were keen to see how it is developing.
They were very impressed with the digital maps. They all wanted to play with the maps so were very pleased to be able to access them on-line without difficulty.
They asked to be given the opportunity to try the Learning Platform themselves at the earliest opportunity.
David Sephton
Manager of Primrose Publishing Ltd.
The twenty-first century has brought many challenges for economies and societies. Increased mobility, the worldwide web, and the instant information spread place people in previously unknown contexts and situations that require immediate analysis, decision-making and problem solving. Traditional approaches to these often seem ineffective and therefore new tools and methods have to be applied. This situation sets new targets for education providers worldwide.
The 2015 issue of the Scholarly Journal of Turiba University “Acta Prosperitatis” is the sixth issue of the Journal. The unifying theme of this multidisciplinary issue is the development of employability skills in compliance with the stakeholders’ needs and it addresses the issues that are significant towards meeting development goals of the society and better employability. The Journal can be accessed online on http://www.turiba.lv/f/Makets_AP6_FINAL.pdf
Language competence is a significant employability skill. Language learning is an important EU priority as it is also a tool for mobility and intercultural understanding. The EU Language Policy postulates that multilingualism is an important component of increasing the EU competitiveness. One of the objectives of the EU’s language policy is therefore that every European citizen should master two other languages in addition to their mother tongue.
The paper “Enhancing Employability Skills for Tourism and Hospitality Industry Employees in Europe” by Professor Ineta Luka deals with the analysis of employability skills relevant for work in tourism and hospitality industry. The topicality of the study is underlined by the fact that tourism has turned into a key driver of socioeconomic progress through export revenues, the creation of jobs and enterprises, and infrastructure development. The author analyses the results obtained in an international survey conducted in the framework of the “Key Skills for the EU Hotel Staff” in five EU countries: Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Romania. The study reveals findings from two international surveys – 85 language teachers and 131 top-level managers of hospitality enterprises. Based on the theory analysed the following employability skills for tourism and hospitality industry employees and students were defined: leadership, team working, collaboration skills, intercultural competences, presentation skills, communication skills, and an ability to use several languages at work.
Please visit the following link for more information about:
Dr.paed. Ineta Luka
Project manager of Turiba University, Latvia
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.