On the 22 and 23 January 2016 the 8th Informativa – the fair for education and professions took place in Ljubljana. At this fair secondary school as well as faculties, universities and other types of education institutions from almost all parts of Slovenia present their study programmes and future professions to potential students. We took this opportunity to present our project to a broader public – students, teachers, parents and other visitors of the fair. We prepared brochures with the description of our project but we also presented the e-learning platform and the material on it so far. In addition we presented the Front Desk programs and showed how they worked. We also presented the mobile apps and how they worked. They were the most popular, especially with students. However, they also found the e-learning platform very interesting and useful – for individual studying but also for using it in class. We were also visited by Mrs Nataša Hafner-Vojčić, a representative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, who is also involved in Erasmus+ activities. She was very enthusiastic and impressed by the work that had been done so far. The project is also listed in the catalogue published by the event organiser.
Erna Vöröš
Project manager of Ekonomsska šola Murska Sobota
On the 20 January 2016 the traditional event Najdi študij.si – Pomurje 2016 took place at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota. This is a type of education fair on a smaller scale where educational institutions from all parts of Slovenia come to Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota to present their study programmes to potential students from the region. The event started a few years ago as this was cheaper for the students from our region than going to Ljubljana, where the education fair Informativa on a bigger scale takes place every year. This year about 30 different educational institutions presented their study programmes. We took the opportunity to present our project to students from all parts of the region and they were mostly impressed by the mobile apps which is not a real surprise considering that they spend a lot of time using their mobile phones. We also presented the Front Desk programs and the e-learning platform which they found interesting as well but their favourites were the mobile apps.
Erna Vöröš
Project manager of Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota
On an earlier visit a meeting was held with the owner-manager of this hotel to tell him about our project. He expressed an interest in having his staff learn about the materials that we had produced which could help them enhance their language skills. A date was fixed for a dissemination in December 2015.
The date agreed proved to be a very busy time and the staff were under some pressure. So, instead of having group presentations, each member of staff was given one or more individual training sessions so that the materials could be demonstrated and they could have an opportunity for hands-on practice using Front Desk, and the digital maps. They could also try the apps on a Galaxy smartphone.
Another visit is planned so that the final versions of all the materials can be presented and the project web-site explained so that the staff members could try some of the many tasks and exercises.
The hotel is situated in the small town of Aberfoyle, close to the scenic Loch Lomond, surrounded by mountains. It is at the centre of one of the most famous tourist areas in Britain and extremely popular with visitors from all over Europe.
David Sephton
Manager of Primrose Limited Ltd.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.