Sunday, January 19, 2025

Project dissemination in the largest tourism fair in the Baltic countries „Balttour 2019”

From 1st – 3rd February, 2019 the 26th international travel trade “Balttour 2019” took place in Kipsala International Exhibition Centre and it brought together 860 tourism industry companies from across the world. The fair was attended by 28,050 visitors. In the thematic hall “Travel Latvia!” visitors could learn about new traveling routes in all regions of Latvia. In the other hall “Discover the World!” it was possible to buy trips to destinations in almost 200 countries and to get information on the newest tourist attractions around the world.  

During the first day of the exhibition two project team members from Turiba University visited this event and the leaflets of Erasmus+ projects “Unity in Diversity” and “Skills4Hotels” were also disseminated to participants as well as for the guests of this event.


Project team members

Anete Veipāne and Evita Vecvagare

Turiba University, Latvia


Second Langauge Learning

Project team member Sandra Smilga from Turiba University, Latvia has published a scientific article honer experience in teaching the second foreign language using the materials created during the project. Students, including adult learners, are particularly fond of interactive maps and other online tasks connected with professional situation sin the hotel and restaurant. The article is available in Latvian.

Prof. Ineta Luka

Turiba University team manager


Project dissemination for students from Great Britain at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Higher vocational school

On Monday, 7August 2017, the participants of the EU project »Placements in Environmental, Archaeological and Traditional Skills – PEATS« attended the presentation of the EU project » Key Skills for Hotel Industry Staff «. The students from Great Britain were on mobility, doing their work placement in the Prekmurje region in Slovenia within the above mentioned project. I briefly talked about the FrontDesk programs and the mobile applications and explained how they worked. Then I presented the Moodle e-platform for learning. I presented all modules and study material for A2/B1 language level and some exercises in Slovenian and English. I mentioned that those modules are available in 12 European languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LV, RO, RU, SI). Then I presented the 6 modules for the higher language level B2/C1 available in English. I told them that the e-platform is available to anybody interested in languages and can be accessed by anyone who wants to learn or improve their language skills. I emphasized that access to the Moodle learning platform is free. I showed them where and how to register on the Moodle e-platform so that they could use the study material and do the exercises. I also gave them some leaflets about the project to find more information and contact data.


Erna Vöröš

Project manager



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.