Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sapientia team Emailing campaing 2017

Between 2014 and 2016, the Department of Humanities of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania took part in an Erasmus+ project entitled “Key Skills for EU Hotel Industry Staff”, aiming to improve the language competence of staff working in tourism and hospitality industry. As this project proved to be extremely successful among stakeholders, it is carried on, addressing VET institutions, this time with the title Unity in Diversity. I would like to inform you about this in the following.
Language and intercultural issues in the hospitality industry: unity in diversity in the EU labour market

Contemporary world shows a change in the employability patterns and skills needed in the future. Cedefop’s latest skill supply and demand forecasts (2014) highlight Europe’s employment challenge indicating that the most job opportunities will be in services, and point to a rising trend towards high-skilled jobs. Moreover, the increasing tourism flows, mobility for study and professional reasons as well as global migration processes have placed Europe in a previously unknown situation in which multilingualism is becoming not a desired state but a vital necessity. Language skills, intercultural and digital competences are important employability skills in the current situation, especially in tourism and hospitality sector. This also requires new innovative ways for developing VET learners’ employability skills to be competitive in the changing labour market and contribute to cohesive society. This idea lies at the core of the current project, the stimulus for which was our previous project „Key Skills for Hotel Industry Staff” (more on the project webpage: in which we focussed on developing language course for hospitality industry employees in 12 languages (the course is available on: Naturally, this learning material might be useful not only for this target groups, but anyone who comes into contact with speakers of other languages, either abroad or at home, will find it quite interesting.

Here are some further links: 1. The web page of the project Unity in Diversity

2. The digital sources downloadable free of charge:

a. The Front Desk smartphone apps:

b. The digital maps enhancing language learning (Village, Seaside Resort, Ski Resort):

The pages are continuously under development, so please keep yourself updated!


Zsuzsanna Ajtony, PhD

Sapientia team (project partner)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.