Sunday, January 19, 2025

Dissemination for language teachers at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota

Dissemination for language teachers at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota

On 29 May 2015, I prepared a dissemination session for the language teachers of Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota. There were 3 English teachers, 2 German teachers, one Slovenian teacher and our administrator for adults. Unfortunately, some German and Slovenian teachers were missing because they had other obligations.

The participants were informed about the project partners, the goals of the project and the results of the project so far. I presented the needs analysis report, the course syllabus and all the translations including national dishes. I also showed them the project website and the e-learning platform with already uploaded tasks to give them some ideas about how to use the platform. I also prepared some examples of the FrontDesk programmes in English, German and Slovenian to show them how they could be used in class. The Slovenian material is interesting for Slovenian teachers as the teacher present mentioned that the tasks would also be useful for students who are weak at their mother tongue. Although the material is originally meant for students who learn a foreign language it is obviously also useful for native speakers who have problems with their mother tongue. Additionally, I showed them the interactive maps, which they found useful, especially as they cover different landscapes. Furthermore, I presented the smartphone app on my smartphone so that they could see how to use it. They all found the app very useful and user-friendly and they all want to upload it on their smartphones as soon as possible.

Finally, I handed them out the project flyers to provide them with some more information about the project and asked them to tell friends and other people about it. I also asked them to fill in the evaluation sheet prepared for the meeting to get some feedback on the presentation.

The evaluation sheet asked for general information and more specific information regarding the presentation. As those teachers took part in the needs analysis survey and already gave some general information there, I would like to focus on the findings regarding the presentation and the usefulness of the project. All of the teachers and the administrator for adults found the presentation of the project and the moodle learning platform very useful. Regarding the question about using the learning platform, all of them answered that they would use it for the following purposes: teaching language (6 teachers), suggesting students for learning (4 teachers) and improving language skills (4 teachers +1 administrator).    

Regarding the question about using the FrontDesk programmes, all of them answered that they would use it for the following purposes: teaching language (5 teachers), suggesting students for learning (6 teachers) and improving language skills (4 teachers +1 administrator). Regarding the question about using the interactive maps, all of them answered that they would use it for the following purposes: teaching language (6 teachers), suggesting students for learning (4 teachers) and improving language skills (3 teachers +1 administrator). One teacher mentioned one more purpose, namely finding her way around. 

Regarding the question about using the smartphone app, all of them answered that they would use it for the following purposes: teaching language (4 teachers), suggesting students for learning (5 teachers) and improving language skills (4 teachers +1 administrator). Two teachers also mentioned other purposes such as using the smartphone app for finding her way around and on excursions.

All of the participants agreed that the project is very useful in general. Regarding the usefulness of the project for teachers 5 teachers found it very useful for teachers and one teacher found it useful.

No suggestions regarding the project were made.     


Erna Vöröš,

Project manager of Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota,



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.