Monday, September 09, 2024

Piloting at Valamar Riviera d.d Sales Department, Dubrovnik-Babin Kuk

Piloting for sales managers at Valamar Riviera d.d. Dubrovnik-Babin Kuk


On 20 August 2015, I prepared piloting the project KeySkills4EUHotelStaff at Valamar Riviera d.d. Dubrovnik-Babin Kuk. I mainly focused on the FrontDesk programs and the mobile apps as the presentation was for sales managers for people who will mainly use it in the hotel sector.  Therefore, I showed them how the FrontDesk programs work and how to use them on the tablet. I presented the smartphone app with the help of David’s PowerPoint presentation but also on my smartphone. All participants of the presentation had been sent the apps and FrontDesk programs to install them on their tablets and mobile devices so that they could start using them.

The evaluation sheet asked for general information and more specific information regarding the presentation. Nine participants of the presentation filled in the evaluation sheet. All of them gained useful information on the project. One found the presentation of the project very useful, whereas seven thought it was useful and 1 quite useful.

Regarding the smartphone app all of them answered they gained useful information. Eight of them use Android OS and one of them IoS, none of them use Windows nor Others OS. Six of them evaluated design of the app very good, one of them excellent and two of them good. Two of them said it was very easy to find the information in the apps they were looking for, five of them easy and two of them quite easy.  If the apps were available on their device two of them would use it very likely and two of them likely, three of them quite likely and two of them not very likely.

Regarding the usefulness of the apps for their companies, two answered that the apps would be very useful, one answered useful and six quite useful. Three of them would very likely recommend the apps to others, four of them likely and two of them quite likely. Three of them answered the question about knowing any hospitality-based multilingual apps that this was the only one, two said not many and four said very few.

Regarding the FrontDesk programs all of them answered that they gained useful information, eight of them use Windows OS, one uses Apple.

Two of them evaluated the layout and design of the Front Desk programs excellent, four of the very good and three of them good.


If the FrontDesk programs were available on their computers, four of them would use it likely, three of them quite likely, 1 not very likely and 1 not at all likely.   

Regarding the usefulness of the FrontDesk programs for their companies, one answered that they would be very useful, four answered useful and four quite useful. Four of them would very likely recommend the FrontDesk programs to others, three of them likely and two of them quite likely. Three of them answered they did not know any hospitality-based multilingual software programs, five answered they knew a few and one said many.

All sales managers were advised to feel free to contact project coordinator Hilarija Lozančić Benić if they have any further questions regarding the apps.

 Gordana Vučurović

 Project team member of TUSDU, Croatia

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.