Sunday, January 19, 2025

Dissemination and piloting at French Mediterranean Cuisine-A Taste of Provence


French Mediterranean cuisine-A Taste of Provence

Tourism and Catering school Dubrovnik was delighted to welcome a famous French gastro expert Rene-Pierre Gouraud who was very honoured guest on 26th and 27th October 2015. Regarding to it the workshop was held and it was great opportunity to disseminate and pilote 2-year project, which was the centre of the workshop as well.

There were hotel managers, chefs from very renowned  Dubrovnik hotels including Libertas Rixos, Radisson Blu, Valamar Hotel Argosy, Tirena, President, Argenita and Maestrali Hotels. Before dissemination session there was conference held. Principal of Tourism and Catering School Dubrovnik Antun Perušina in cooperation with  Nedjeljko Jančić and deputy of County prefect Davorko Obuljen and principal of Split Tourism and Catering School Ivo Bilić introduced the guest the importance of exchanging good practice and innovation and improve new way of teaching and applying new methods of learning applicable for the students. The participants were informed about the project in general and the project results so far. The stakeholders were involved in the project piloting so they already knew both project products. However, the presentation was useful for the later discussion at the round table they had.

E-learning platform was presented in more detail as there are now many tasks for all the 12 languages for all the different topics. It was showed how to use the platform, how the system works and what kind of tasks were prepared. The project flyers were handed out in order to provide them with some more information about the project. They had a chance to try 4 mobile apps and FrontDesk app. They were asked fill in the questionnaire for piloting prepared for it to get some feedback on the piloting. Seventeen participants of the presentation filled in questionnaire and all of them gained useful information on the project. All of them gained useful information about the project from the presentation. Six found the presentation of the project very useful, whereas eight thought it was useful and three quite useful. Regarding the smartphone app all of them answered they gained useful information. Fourteen of them use Android OS, two of them IoS and one of them Windows. Eleven of them evaluated design of the app very good, three of them excellent and three of them good. Four of them said it was very easy to find the information in the apps they were looking for and thirteen of them easy.  If the apps were available on their device, six of them would use it very likely, six of them likely and two of them quite likely.

Regarding the usefulness of the apps for their companies, eight answered that the apps would be very useful, seven answered useful and two quite useful. Seven of them would very likely recommend the apps to others, five of them likely and five of the quite likely. Twelve of them answered the question about knowing any hospitality-based multilingual apps that this was the only one, one said not many and four said very few.

Regarding the FrontDesk programs all of them answered that they gained useful information, fifteen of them use Windows OS and two use Apple.

Three of them evaluated the layout and design of the Front Desk programs excellent, ten of the very good and four of them good.If the FrontDesk programs were available on their computers, three of them would use it very likely, ten of them would use it likely and four of them quite likely.   Regarding the usefulness of the FrontDesk programs for their companies, six answered that they would be very useful, seven answered useful and one quite useful. Seven of them would very likely recommend the FrontDesk programs to others, two of them likely, seven of them quite likely and one of them not at all likely. Six of them answered they did not know any hospitality-based multilingual software programs, five answered they knew a few and three of them many. All stakeholders were advised to feel free to contact project coordinator if they have any further questions regarding the apps.

Hilarija Lozančić Benić

Project team member of TUSDU, Croatia

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.