Sunday, January 19, 2025

Teachers’ Workshop at Turiba University

On February 10, 2016, a workshop was held for lecturers of Language Department of Turiba University, Latvia. The language teachers were introduced with the developed study materials within the project „Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff”, so that they could use the modules in the study process for students of Tourism study programme later on.

The teachers pointed out that the modules developed for A2/B1 level – Hotel reception, Restaurant, Hotel Business centre, Restaurant kitchen, City, Management offices – will help students to independently develop their reading and listening of the chosen foreign language (EN, IT, HR, LV, SL, RO, HU, GE, FR, RU, ES, GR). The teachers will also be using the modules as a supplementary material for the following language courses: English, German, Spanish, French, Latvian and Russian to enhance students’ reading, listening and speaking skills.

The 6 in-depth modules developed for the English language (B2/C1 level)-Hotel Front Office, Catering Service, Conference and Business Services, Off site Services, Financial Management and Hotel Management will be piloted as a component of the regular language course as well.

After piloting, there will be a survey for lecturers and students in order to receive a feedback on the Learning platform and study materials, discover mistakes and get recommendations for improvement.


Evita Vecvagare

Team member of Turiba University, Latvia


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.