Sunday, January 19, 2025

MULTIPLIER EVENT (E2-B1) at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania June 8, 2016

The second multiplier event within the Erasmus+ project „Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff” (Project No: 2014-1-HR01-KA2014-007224) was held in Miercurea Ciuc on 8th June 2016.

The aim of this seminar at Sapientia University was to show what project partners have achieved to do in the project and to gauge reactions and to help identify any weaknesses or problems in the materials. The “products” of the project have been presented in English but the material demonstrated has covered the full range of twelve languages, in our case, especially Hungarian and Romanian. 

In all, 44 participants attended the event and signed the attendance sheet. Out these participants, 30 stakeholders took part: 18 teachers from the schools and universities of the region and 12 industry representatives.

Dr. Zsuzsanna Ajtony, coordinator of the Sapientia team, introduced each of the partners and their institutions, and explained the different parts of the project in which each partner has taken responsibility. She has outlined the structure of the project, highlighted the work carried out and briefly presented each of the modules that has been created.

In order to offer a practical demonstration of the different “products” of the project, the Internet has been used to display the project web-site and the learning program, also showing how the digital maps can be used to get information requested by guests and how the apps can be integrated into the process to help the front-desk clerk know how to provide answers in the guest’s own language. In this line, the Front Desk computer programmes were presented by Zsuzsanna Dégi, who also explained why these can be helpful not only for those working in the tourism industry, but also for language teachers or anyone interested because the displaying screen allows sentences with the same meaning but in different languages to be compared for linguistic purpose. The smartphone apps were presented by Dr. Tünde Nagy who also urged participants to try out the application on their own phones on the spot. The digital maps were presented in detail by Dr. Enikő Tankó and they were much enjoyed by the invited guests due to their colourful look and available information that can be accessed by clicking on the respective hotpoints. Finally, the learning platform was presented by Dr. Enikő Pál in three languages (English, Hungarian and Romanian), who demonstrated the wide range of topics and types of exercises both in the A2/B1 and the B2/C1 modules of the course material.

Both after each presentation and at the end of the event, the invited stakeholders asked questions and were encouraged to try and later use the various materials. The meeting ended with an open discussion.


Dr. Zsuzsanna Ajtony

Project coordinator of Sapientia University team


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.