Sunday, January 19, 2025

Project Presentation at Liepaja, Latvia

On June 3, 2016 the project team member Valerija Malavska presented the project at Liepaja University.

Liepaja University is the largest university in Kurzeme region of Latvia. The higher educational establishment was founded in 1954 on the basis of Teacher Training Institute. For long years the educational establishment offered education in educational science. Concurrently with teacher training study programmes a broad spectrum of non-pedagogical study programmes has been offered since 1990. It has four Faculties and among them the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences provides education in Tourism management and recreation as well.

The project objectives and outputs were presented to the university language professors, focussing on language aspects and intercultural aspects.

Dr.paed. Ineta Luka


Turiba University project manager


Information on Dissemination at Turiba University Faculty Council

The Faculty Council is the highest collegiate body of the Faculty of University which gives suggestions on how to improve the study process so that it corresponds to the industry requirements. The Council is formed by 1/3 of the Faculty professors, 1/3 ot tourism and hospitality industry employers, 1/3 of students.

On June 3, 2016 the project outputs were presented at the Faculty Council and some useful suggestions on how to introduce the modules into regular curricula were received. The employers also indicated that the project outputs are significant for improving employees’ language competence, especially the third and fourth language competence.

Dr.paed. Ineta Luka


Turiba University project manager  


Multiplier Event in Riga at Turiba University, 2 June 2016

A meeting of stakeholders was held at Turiba University in Riga by the Department of Languages responsible for the implementation of the project in Latvia on 2nd June 2016. The event was a multiplier event aimed at disseminating the project outcomes. The meeting was attended by over 35 representatives of the industry, university lecturers and teachers from vocational schools. The participants were acquainted with project website, e-learning platform, FrontDesk software programme, Smartphone applications and the digital maps that were developed during the project. The results of the various research work carried out during the project including the needs analysis and the feedback from the various piloting sessions were also presented and discussed. A workshop was organised during the afternoon session where participants had the opportunity to try out the e-learning platform and the various language learning modules developed. The project outcomes were highly appreciated by the stakeholders and especially high level of interest was shown by vocational education teachers who were eager to use the materials developed in their classrooms.

More information on the final events of the project are available on Turiba University webpage – in Latvian: in English:

Information is also available on twitter:

-          in English:

-          in Latvian:

on Turiba University Facebook page:

and on the largest social media in Latvia [for friends]: Sundars Vaidesvarans

Turiba University

Language Department


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.