On 30 May, 2016 a methodological seminar on scienntific and language issues was held at Turiba University. The participants were Turiba University professors and teachers and the university collaboration partners from the industry.
During the seminar its participants were introduced with how to write and publish scholarly articles and how to reach as wide audience as possible. The first part of the seminar dealt with scientific issues, whereas the second part – with language issues.
We demonstrated the learning courses of English (A2/B1 and B2/C1 level) created during the project and explained the participants how the tasks can be used for improving their language competence on lifelong learning basis. The materials created were highly appreciated both by the teachers and by the industry collaboration partners.
Prof. Ineta Luka
Turiba University project manager
An essential part of the course creation is its piloting to see how the course is perceived by the learners and make any improvements and changes if required. The course piloting – the FrontDesk program, the mobile application and a part of A2/B1 language course – were piloted in the summer-autumn of 2015.
Following the course piloting, the report was written on it. The report comprised learners’ feedback and evaluation done by language teachers. Prof. Ineta Luka conducted research on the specifics for applying blended learning in language teaching/learning for professional purposes and additionally experts’ evaluation was organised. As a result a scientific paper „DEVELOPING LANGUAGE COMPETENCE FOR TOURISM STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES IN A BLENDED LEARNING LANGUAGE COURSE” was written and published in a scholarly journal issued by Rezekne Higher Education Institution of Latvia „Society. Education. Integration” in Volume I of 2016. The Volume is available online on: http://journals.ru.lv/index.php/SIE/issue/view/42
The paper presents the main findings of the second stage of the project – the online course designed for A2/B1 level of language competence in 12 European languages and B2/C1 English language course to promote tourism students’ and employees’ language competence and raise their intercultural awareness. It analyses pedagogical, linguistic and field professional literature on course creation and presents the conducted evaluation research containing formative evaluation from three perspectives – provider (document review), recipient (a focus group interview with 14 learners) and wider community (a focus group interview with 7 hospitality industry managers and a survey of 21 language teachers from six countries) to identify the initiative’s consequences and opportunities for modification and improvement. The strengths and weaknesses of the course have been identified and suggestions on how the process could be made more efficient/effective for the organisation, the end users and the community have been provided. The paper published is available on: http://journals.ru.lv/index.php/SIE/article/view/1493/1693 and on the public part of the project webpage.
Dr.paed. Ineta Luka
Turiba University project manager
The first multiplier event within the Erasmus+ project Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff (Project No.: 2014-1-HR01-KA2014-007224) was held in the Hotel Livada Prestige in the spa Moravske Toplice near Murska Sobota. The aim of the multiplier event was the dissemination of the project and the project results to stakeholders from the region. At the event were 31 participants altogether. The majority was from the spas Terme 3000 and Terme Lendava and the health resort Zdravilišče Radenci. There was one representative of the hotel Diana from Murska Sobota, two representatives of Zavod za turizem in razvoj Lendava (Institute for tourism and development of Lendava) and two representatives of the Institute Logarica, which is engaged in European mobility projects.
The participants were informed about the project in general, the project results and project products. I presented the findings of the needs analysis report, the course syllabus for both levels A2/B1 and B2/C1, the Front Desk programs and mobile applications, the Moodle e-learning platform, the intercultural guidelines and the project website. I showed some examples for the Front Desk programs and my colleagues, Dejan and Štefan, helped them to download the mobile applications on their smartphones. I presented the modules for A2/B1 language level in different languages and showed them the study material as well as some tasks. Furthermore, I presented the modules for B2/C1 language level and showed them some tasks as well. Moreover, I presented the intercultural guidelines and the technical guidelines which are also uploaded on the e-learning platform. Additionally, I showed them the links to download the Front Desk programs and mobile apps on the e-learning platform. Finally, I presented them the project website with all its contents. After the lunch break the workshop took place. All the participants had the opportunity to try the tasks on the Moodle e-learning platform in different languages and on different levels. They mostly liked the digital maps with their descriptions.
Finally, I handed them out project flyers to provide them with some more information about the project and project results and asked them to tell friends and other people about it. I also asked them to fill in the evaluation sheet prepared for the meeting to get some feedback on the presentation.
The general impression of the event was very good. The participants were very impressed with all the work that had been done and all the products that had been made during the project.
A more detailed report on the feedback of the event will be made after the analysis of the evaluation sheets. It will be added to this report.
Erna Vöröš,
Project manager of Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota,
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.