Erasmus+ project „Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff” is approaching its final stage. This has been a very fruitful project in which 6 EU countries – Croatia, Latvia, the UK, Slovenia, Italy and Romania collaborated in creating language teaching/learning materials for learning „Languages for Special Purposes”. We have created two e-learning courses: A2/B1 level language course in 12 languages: EN, IT, HR, LV, Sl, RO, HU, GE, FR, RU, ES, GR and B2/C1 English language course. The courses are suitable for face-to-face teaching in language classes and for self-studies. Our target audience are people employed in hospitality sector – hotels and restaurants, employees of TIC, anyone involved in or studying tourism business.
On June 2, 2016 Turiba University is organising a project seminar for those interested in the project outputs created. Come and learn about them during the seminar! We are especially addressing stakeholders - tourism industry and language teachers.
The seminar will be held on Graudu 68, Riga, Room A207.
More information about the project is available on the largest travel portal in the Baltic States – Travel News on: and on Turiba University webpage on: or contact Evita Vecvagare on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evita Vecvagare
Turiba University
Language Department
The first multiplier event within the Erasmus+ project „Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff” (Project No: 2014-1-HR01-KA2014-007224) held in Genoa was called “Presentation of the Erasmus+ project and use of Smartphone Apps and Front Desk 4 program”.
This multiplier event was planned in accordance with another important meeting of the APCI organisation of ‘chefs de cuisine’. The period of the workshop was chosen deliberately to be connected with it in order to invite as many stakeholders as possible and many teachers as well.
The aim of the workshop was to present to stakeholders and teachers from the local area both the project itself and the materials that it had been produced up to the point of the meeting. Its additional aim was to gauge reactions and to help identify any weaknesses or problems in the materials.
The computer software and the smartphone apps were presented by Daniela Poggi to an audience made up mainly of stakeholders from many industries (hotels, restaurants, bars and associations connected to tourism industry) and cookery and bar tending teachers. These teachers were personally interested in the project, while many of them teach secondary school pupils, who will be future employees in the tourism and catering sectors.
At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Angelo Capizzi the headmaster of IPSSA Nino Bergese, greeted the participants and introduced the representatives of APCI. This was followed by a presentation of the project by Daniela Poggi in which she presented the learning material using the Moodle software. Daniela also showed the participants the computer software, the interactive maps and the smartphone apps. The stakeholders and teachers put questions to the presenters and were encouraged to try and later use the various materials. The meeting ended with an open discussion.
Simona Pellizzari
Project manager of IPSSA Nino Bergese
On 19 May 2016 TUSDU team visited Turističko-ugostiteljska škola in Split and presented the project information to the language teachers and principal at their school. After gaining main information about the project language teachers tried online learning program. TUSDU project coordinator Hilarija Lozančić Benić presented curriculum, guidelines and project website. All 12 language teachers were really interested in Modules created on the ELearning platform. They had a chance to try both of them A2/B1 and B2/C1 Modules. The teachers pointed out that the Modules developed for A2/B1 level – Hotel reception, Restaurant, Hotel Business centre, Restaurant kitchen, City, Management offices – will help students to develop their reading and listening of the chosen foreign language at their school.
After piloting, language teachers did questionnaire, which will help to improve online learning program.
Hilarija Lozančić Benić
Project team member of TUSDU, Croatia
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.