On 30 May, 2016 a methodological seminar on scienntific and language issues was held at Turiba University. The participants were Turiba University professors and teachers and the university collaboration partners from the industry.
During the seminar its participants were introduced with how to write and publish scholarly articles and how to reach as wide audience as possible. The first part of the seminar dealt with scientific issues, whereas the second part – with language issues.
We demonstrated the learning courses of English (A2/B1 and B2/C1 level) created during the project and explained the participants how the tasks can be used for improving their language competence on lifelong learning basis. The materials created were highly appreciated both by the teachers and by the industry collaboration partners.
Prof. Ineta Luka
Turiba University project manager
A meeting of stakeholders was held at Turiba University in Riga by the Department of Languages responsible for the implementation of the project in Latvia on 2nd June 2016. The event was a multiplier event aimed at disseminating the project outcomes. The meeting was attended by over 35 representatives of the industry, university lecturers and teachers from vocational schools. The participants were acquainted with project website, e-learning platform, FrontDesk software programme, Smartphone applications and the digital maps that were developed during the project. The results of the various research work carried out during the project including the needs analysis and the feedback from the various piloting sessions were also presented and discussed. A workshop was organised during the afternoon session where participants had the opportunity to try out the e-learning platform and the various language learning modules developed. The project outcomes were highly appreciated by the stakeholders and especially high level of interest was shown by vocational education teachers who were eager to use the materials developed in their classrooms.
More information on the final events of the project are available on Turiba University webpage – in Latvian: http://www.turiba.lv/lv/aktualitates/erasmus-projekta-key-skills-for-european-union-hotel-staff-nosleguma-posms/1856/and in English:http://www.turiba.lv/en/aktualitates/final-phase-of-the-erasmus-project-key-skills-for-european-union-hotel-staff/1857/
Information is also available on twitter:
- in English:https://twitter.com/Turiba/status/748828541400285184
- in Latvian:https://twitter.com/Turiba/status/748828337330585600
on Turiba University Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Biznesa.augstskola.Turiba/posts/976415772455579
and on the largest social media in Latvia Draugiem.lv [for friends]:https://dra.lv/s1lgfoW
Mg.comp.sc. Sundars Vaidesvarans
Turiba University
Language Department
Erasmus+ project „Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff” is approaching its final stage. This has been a very fruitful project in which 6 EU countries – Croatia, Latvia, the UK, Slovenia, Italy and Romania collaborated in creating language teaching/learning materials for learning „Languages for Special Purposes”. We have created two e-learning courses: A2/B1 level language course in 12 languages: EN, IT, HR, LV, Sl, RO, HU, GE, FR, RU, ES, GR and B2/C1 English language course. The courses are suitable for face-to-face teaching in language classes and for self-studies. Our target audience are people employed in hospitality sector – hotels and restaurants, employees of TIC, anyone involved in or studying tourism business.
On June 2, 2016 Turiba University is organising a project seminar for those interested in the project outputs created. Come and learn about them during the seminar! We are especially addressing stakeholders - tourism industry and language teachers.
The seminar will be held on Graudu 68, Riga, Room A207.
More information about the project is available on the largest travel portal in the Baltic States – Travel News on: http://travelnews.lv/index.php?m_id=18252&i_id=5&pub_id=99019 and on Turiba University webpage on: http://www.turiba.lv/lv/aktualitates/norisinasies-projekta-key-skills-for-european-union-hotel-staff-nosleguma-seminars/1828/ or contact Evita Vecvagare on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evita Vecvagare
Turiba University
Language Department
An essential part of the course creation is its piloting to see how the course is perceived by the learners and make any improvements and changes if required. The course piloting – the FrontDesk program, the mobile application and a part of A2/B1 language course – were piloted in the summer-autumn of 2015.
Following the course piloting, the report was written on it. The report comprised learners’ feedback and evaluation done by language teachers. Prof. Ineta Luka conducted research on the specifics for applying blended learning in language teaching/learning for professional purposes and additionally experts’ evaluation was organised. As a result a scientific paper „DEVELOPING LANGUAGE COMPETENCE FOR TOURISM STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES IN A BLENDED LEARNING LANGUAGE COURSE” was written and published in a scholarly journal issued by Rezekne Higher Education Institution of Latvia „Society. Education. Integration” in Volume I of 2016. The Volume is available online on: http://journals.ru.lv/index.php/SIE/issue/view/42
The paper presents the main findings of the second stage of the project – the online course designed for A2/B1 level of language competence in 12 European languages and B2/C1 English language course to promote tourism students’ and employees’ language competence and raise their intercultural awareness. It analyses pedagogical, linguistic and field professional literature on course creation and presents the conducted evaluation research containing formative evaluation from three perspectives – provider (document review), recipient (a focus group interview with 14 learners) and wider community (a focus group interview with 7 hospitality industry managers and a survey of 21 language teachers from six countries) to identify the initiative’s consequences and opportunities for modification and improvement. The strengths and weaknesses of the course have been identified and suggestions on how the process could be made more efficient/effective for the organisation, the end users and the community have been provided. The paper published is available on: http://journals.ru.lv/index.php/SIE/article/view/1493/1693 and on the public part of the project webpage.
Dr.paed. Ineta Luka
Turiba University project manager
On June 3, 2016 the project team member Valerija Malavska presented the project at Liepaja University.
Liepaja University is the largest university in Kurzeme region of Latvia. The higher educational establishment was founded in 1954 on the basis of Teacher Training Institute. For long years the educational establishment offered education in educational science. Concurrently with teacher training study programmes a broad spectrum of non-pedagogical study programmes has been offered since 1990. It has four Faculties and among them the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences provides education in Tourism management and recreation as well.
The project objectives and outputs were presented to the university language professors, focussing on language aspects and intercultural aspects.
Dr.paed. Ineta Luka
Turiba University project manager
The Faculty Council is the highest collegiate body of the Faculty of University which gives suggestions on how to improve the study process so that it corresponds to the industry requirements. The Council is formed by 1/3 of the Faculty professors, 1/3 ot tourism and hospitality industry employers, 1/3 of students.
On June 3, 2016 the project outputs were presented at the Faculty Council and some useful suggestions on how to introduce the modules into regular curricula were received. The employers also indicated that the project outputs are significant for improving employees’ language competence, especially the third and fourth language competence.
Dr.paed. Ineta Luka
Turiba University project manager
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.