Erasmus+ project „Key Skills for European Union Hotel Staff” (Project No.: 2014-1HR01-KA2014-007224) was held in Riga, Latvia from the 23rd until 25th September 2015. The project meeting was perfectly organised by our host Dr. paed. prof. Ineta Luka, Turiba University and representatives of all other project partners Tourism and Catering School (Dubrovnik), Primrose Publishing (UK), Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota (Slovenia), IPSSA Nino Bergese (Italy) and Universitatea Sapientia din Cluj-Napoca, Romania participated in the meeting. The third meeting started with a warm welcome address by Ineta Luka. Partners reported about their work progress since the last consortium meeting. The following discussions focused on tasks and documents needed to be completed. Partners analysed piloting, discussed about further steps to be taken to improve the apps and the FrontDesk program. All partners agreed on making cultural sensitivities. At the end of the day, project team was taken to excursion in Art Nouveau museum and had very relaxing walk in Art Nouveau region of Riga. During dinner, the colleagues had the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas. On the second day, all partners worked at the project – O3 activity – general introduction and curriculum design for B2/C1 course. All partners agreed on the tasks for on-line English language learning course at B2/C1 level. After all project team agreed on the tasks given and then moved to conference room since there has been multiplier event organized with language teachers and tourism stakeholders at Turiba University. Ineta Luka opened the event and demonstrated Needs Analysing Report; Hilarija Lozančić Benić presented the project in general. Erna Vöröš demonstrated Curriculum and David Sephton showed the results of piloting the FrontDesk program and apps.
After this session all project team was taken to restaurant “Lido” to relax after very busy meeting. All project team enjoyed the tasting food and lovely country music. On the last meeting day project team continued work at the project. There were some administrative issues mentioned. Partners discussed arranging the next partner meeting. It was agreed to have the next partner meeting in Genoa, Italy from April 21 to 22, 2016. At the end of the project meeting all project team was taken to a tour of Turiba University premises and after it had lunch at Turiba café. Latvian team organized cultural program – sightseeing in Kuldiga nearby town very interesting for its unique architecture where was organized farewell dinner to partners.
Hilarija Lozančić Benić
Project team member of TUSDU, Croatia
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.